
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Class 5 - EVS - Chapter 18 - No Place for Us - Practice Work


Do in your Notebook

Chapter- 18
No Place for Us?

Choose the correct answer:

1-    Which job Jatryabhai started doing in Mumbai?
a.    Painting on walls
b.    Plumbing
c.    Repair torn fishing nets ()
d.    Ironing clothes

2-    Jatryabhai used to money he earned to
a.    To pay for medicines, food and school fee
b.    Rent for the house
c.    Buying water
d.    All the above ()

3-    What did children learn Jatryabhai’s village?
a.    To dance together, recognize birds and their sounds
b.    To play flute and dhol
c.    To make pots of clay and bamboo
d.    All the above ()

4-    Young men of village would bring following things from forests and sell them in towns:
a.    Fruits, roots and plants for medicines
b.    Fish from river
c.    Both a and b ()
d.    Firewood

5-    People of the Khedi village had to leave their lands because of:
a.    Upcoming factory
b.    Upcoming dam ()
c.    They wanted to move to city for more money
d.    None of the above

6-    Where did Jatryabhai’s forefathers live?
a.    Kehdi Village ()
b.    Sinduri Village
c.    Navagram
d.    Mumbai

True or False:

1-    Jatryabhai had to even buy water in Mumbai.                                        True

2-    Sidya goes to the railway station to pick up empty bottles and newspapers to sell to the kabadiwala.                                                                                             True

3-    Jatrya was born in Khedi village.                                                             True

4-    In Jatrya’s village people collected things from towns across the village and sell in the village.                                                                                                     False

5-    In Sindhuri village, there was a hospital but it was difficult to find doctors and there were no medicines.                                                                                                True

Fill in the blanks:

 (quarrels, relative, school, fish factory, village)

1-    Jatrayabhai new only the family of a distant relative in Mumbai.

2-    Young Sidya worked in the nearby fish factory to earn some money.

3-    In village elders would arrange weddings and settle quarrels.

4-    The new village everything there- a school, electricity, hospitals, buses, trains, etc.

5-    Jatrya’s only dream was to send his children to school to give them a better future, a better life.
      (quarrels, relative, school, fish factory, village)
Match the column:

In towns there are taps
hot in summer
There are plenty of trees in village and
houses in towns
Roofs made of tin keep the house
the air is fresh and clean
Houses in villages have more space than
was not good for farming.
Piece of land Jatrya got in sindhuri village
but not enough water

In towns there are taps
but not enough water
There are plenty of trees in village and
the air is fresh and clean
Roofs made of tin keep the house
hot in summer
Houses in villages have more space than
Houses in towns
Piece of land Jatrya got in sindhuri village
was not good for farming.

Answer these questions:

1-    How is life in the village different from that of cities?
Life in Village
Life in Cities
Villages have single story houses.
Cities have multi-story houses.
Houses have more open space in villages.
Houses have less or no open space in cities.
Villages have narrow roads or kachcha roads.
Cities have broad and multilane roads.
Villages do not have very good hospitals and other medical facilities.
Cities have good hospitals and other medical facilities.
Village schools do not have a good infrastructure.
City school and colleges have a good infrastructure.
People in village are mostly happy and satisfied with life.
People in cities are less happy and not satisfied with life.

1-    How does building of dams affect the life of the people living in that area? (or) What kind of problems people face who are displaced or asked to move from their place? (or) How does displacement affect the lives of the people?
Ans- Building of dams affect the life of people living in that area in following ways:
(a)  People have to relocate from the place where they were living from generations.
(b)  They have to leave their houses, farms and means of livelihood.
(c)  Starting a new livelihood is challenging.
(d)  Kids take time to adjust in new neighbourhood and new school.
(e)  It is difficult to adjust in new social set up.

2-    Why did Jatryabhai collect rubber pieces of old tyres?
Ans- Jatryabhai collected rubber pieces of old tyres to light his stove. It catches fire fast and saves firewood.

3-    How did Jatrya suffer in Sinduri?
Ans- Jatrya had following difficulties in Sinduri village:
(a)  He had to pay money for everything- medicines, food, vegetable, firewood, kerosene and fodder for the animals.
(b)  Roof of tin sheet made his house hot like an oven.
(c)  Electricity was available only for some time in a day.
(d)  Taps do not have water.
(e)  Land was not good for farming.
(f)   It was difficult to find doctor in hospital.
(g)  People made fun of Khedi people and called them ‘unwanted guests’.

4-    List the differences between the life of Jatrya used to lead in Khedi village and the life in Mumbai? (Write any two differences)
Life in Khedi Village
Life in Mumbai
Jatrya’s house was good enough for his needs.
He live in a one room shack in Mumbai.
In Khedi people live together like a big family.
In Mumbai, Jatrya was lonely and isolated.
Jatya used to work hard in the fields and caught fishes from river to make livelihood.
Jatryabhai used to repair torn fishing nets to make livelihood.
In khedi village children learn to dance together, to play flute and dhol, to make pots of clay and bamboo, to recognize and imitate their sounds.
In Mumbai, Jatrya’s kids go to school for formal education.

5-    Why did Jatrya and his family leave Sinduri and migrate to Mumbai?
Ans- Jatrya and his family left Sinduri and migrated to Mumbai because they could not adjust in this new village and hoped for a better life and a better future in Mumbai.

Book Questions :

Think and tell:

Q1: Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?

Answer: Yes, there are times I felt alone even in a crowd of people. When I joined school even though many people surrounded me, I felt alone.

Q2: Imagine how it feels to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place?

Answer: It is very difficult to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place. The people, place everything looks strange.

Q3: Why do you think families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities?

Answer: Because small cities and villages do not have much opportunities. Big cities have much opportunities for education as well as for jobs.

Q4: Have you seen any children (in your school or neighborhood) who also go to work?

Answer: Yes, I saw many children go to work.

Q5: What kind of work do they do? Why do they have to work?

Answer: They use to sell something, cleaning the vehicles and serving the food in hotels.


Q1: In Khedi village what all did children learn?

Answer: Children in Khedi village learnt dancing, playing flute and dhol, making vessels and other things from bamboo and clay and recognizing birds and imitating their sounds.

Q2: What do you learn from your elders?

Answer: I learnt maintaining love and affection towards people and animals, respecting the elders, helping others in their difficult times and many more.

Q3: Jatrya learnt so many things in Khedi. How many of those would be useful for him in Mumbai?

Answer: Jatrya learnt so many things in khedi which will be helpful in Mumbai. Some of them are playing flutes, dhol and selling the goods these will help in earning money in Mumbai.

Q4: Do you hear the sounds of birds every day? Which ones?

Answer: Yes, I hear the sounds of some birds like crow, pigeon and sparrow.

Q5: What are some of the sounds that you hear every day, but the people of Khedi may not be hearing?

Answer: I use to hear horn of vehicles, sound of ambulance and police vehicle siren.

Q6: Have you experienced silence? When and where?

Answer: Yes, I experienced silence in library and while sleeping.

Discuss And Tell:

Q1: Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest. Why? They had to leave even though they didn’t want to. Why?

Answer: The land and forest were associated with fond memories of many generations of people. Their forefathers had been living on the land since a long period. They were forced to leave the place by government officials and the police. Moreover, they were also promised to be sent to a better place. They were promised that the new place would have better facilities in terms of electricity and water.

Q2: In Khedi, how many people were there in Jatrya’s family? When he thought about his family who all came to his mind?

Answer: There were three people in Jatrya’s family in Khedi. But for Jatrya the whole village like her family. When he thought about his family his future wife and his future children came to his mind.

Q3: Who all come to your mind when you think about your family?

Answer: When I think about my family, my parents, grandparents, cousins all come to my mind.

Q4: Have you heard of people who don’t want to be moved from their old place? Talk about them.

Answer: Yes, my grandparents don’t want to be moved from their old place because they won’t feel comfortable in cities and they love to enjoy fresh air and open space of village.

Q5: Do you know some people who have never been to school? Do you also know of any place where there is no school?

Answer: yes, my grandparents never been to school. I heard there is no school in some villages of Meghalaya.


Q1: Think of the kinds of difficulties people have to face where a dam is being built.

Answer: People face many difficulties where a dam is being built. They are people are forced to leave their place along with family, houses, farms and agricultural fields get destroyed, they have to relocate to new place and have to struggle for work, education and medical facilities.


Q1: Was Sinduri like the village of Jatrya’s dreams?

Answer: Sinduri village is not like the village of Jatrya’s dreams.

Q2: What difference did he find between Sinduri and his dream village?

Answer: The houses in Sinduri village is made up of tin sheets and were very weak, there was no electricity in Sinduri village, there was no open space, schools and hospitals were there in Sinduri along with bad smell coming from burning of tire. Thus Sinduri village is totally different from Jatrya’s dream village.

Q3: Have you ever been to anyone’s house as an ‘unwanted guest’? How did you feel?

Answer: No, I have never been to anyone’s house as an ‘unwanted guest’. Unwanted guests would not be treated properly and they will feel lonely.

Q4: What all does your family do, when you have guests at home for a few days?

Answer: When guests come to our home for few days we will treat them in special way by preparing nice dishes, we provide all facilities which are they need for their comfortable stay along with love and care.


Q1: What had Jatryabhai thought while moving to Mumbai? Did he find Mumbai as he had imagined?

Answer: The problems of Sinduri village made Jatrya think as if he was an unwanted guest in the village. He wanted to leave Sinduri. As he could not go back to Khedi so he thought of moving to Mumbai. He did not find Mumbai as he had imagined, it was difficult to live in Mumbai.

Q2: What kind of school do you think Jatrya’s children would be going to in Mumbai?

Answer: Jatrya’s children would be studying in government school in Mumbai.

Find out and write:

Q1: Have you ever read or heard of a city slum being removed? How do you feel about this?

Answer: Yes, I heard in the news the slum being removed from an area of Yamuna River which is located in Delhi. I felt very bad for these people who use to stay in slums without shelter and food.

Q2: People also shift from one place to another when they get transferred in their jobs? How do they feel then?

Answer: Transfer is an integral part of jobs so people should shift from one place to another. In this situation they feel very bad to leave their friends, colleagues and their house. In new place again they have to search for schools, work place and have to adjust for new people and new environment.


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