
Friday, February 25, 2022

Answers - Important Questions - Class 5 - English


                                            Part 1

Ans.1 Describe the proverb in your own words.

Ans.2 The king wanted to select their future king by holding a contest. He wanted to see who was worthy of becoming a good ruler. 

Ans.3 Name of the poem: Malu Bhalu 

Name of the poet: Kamla Bhasin

Ans. 4     Malu wanted to travel beyond the big blue sky.

Ans. 5    The king wanted to select their future king by holding a contest. He wanted to see who was worthy of becoming a good ruler.

Ans. 6    The men rushed back to the ship to save their life from the huge creature (giant) who was walking after them and chasing their boat in the sea as fast as he could.

                                                                  Part 2

1.    (d) Next Wednesday, my sister Mita is going to join the State Bank of India.

2.    (c) faster, fastest

3.    (b) weren’t, shan’t

4.    (a) As black, snow

5.    (c) Both (a) and (b)

Replace the underline pronoun with the suitable noun:

Ans.1 cake

Ans.2 captain / men

Ans. 3 while

Ans.4 family /class

Ans.5 the /a

Ans.6 more intelligent / most intelligent

Ans.7 won’t

Ans.8 correct –into

Ans.9 Dr. Abdul Kalam the President of India was an amazing person.

                                 Part 3


1.    (c) Suspension

2.    (a) Drearily

3.    (d) Can’t

4.    (c) Advised

5.    (d) THREE


6. Bellowing

7. Creature / Surprise



10.a) Goa

                b) Grab

                                  Part 4

1.    (c) Ugly

2.    (b) Teeth

3.    (d) Borrow

4.    (a) Aired

5.    (b) an




9.Geographic, Generally. (Write any two words starting with Ge)

  1. 10.Hoarse


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