
Friday, February 11, 2022

Practice Work - Class 5 - EVS - Chapter 21 - Like Father Like Daughter


21.Like Father, Like Daughter
Like Father, Like Daughter

Match these column:
Gregor Mendel
Not from parents
From our environment
Hair type is
Experiments with peas
We learn certain things
acquired from family


Gregor Mendel
Experiments with peas
Not from parents
Hair type is
acquired from family
We learn certain things
from our environment

Fill in the blanks with correct words:
1-  The colour of our eyes is inherited  from our parents.
2- An adopted_ child does not resemble the people who bring him up.
3- Identical_ twins look exactly alike.
4- Legs are affected when a person suffers from polio.
5- Gregor Mendel_ explained inherited characters in pea plants.
6- Saroja and Suvasini are twins.
7- Polio is caused by virus.

State whether these statements are true or false:
1- We get some traits and habits from our family.                               (True)
2- We learn certain things and skills from our environment.                 (True)
3- Twins are always exactly same.                                                     (False)
4- At times our abilities change because of some illness or old age.   (True)
5- Having long hair is a trait which runs in some families.                   (True)
Answer these questions:
Q.1 Whose habits and characters do we take?
Ans- We take habits and characters from our family.

Q.2 Which part of the body will be affected by polio? Is this hereditary?
Ans- One of the leg is affected by polio. This is not hereditary.

Q.3 What is polio? How can it be prevented?
Ans- Polio is an infectious disease caused by poliovirus. In some cases, there is muscle weakness resulting in an inability to move. It can be prevented by vaccination.

Q.4 What is pulse polio?
Ans- Pulse Polio is an immunisation campaign by the government of India to eliminate poliomyelitis (polio) in India by vaccinating all children under the age of five years against the polio virus.

Q.5 Name two characteristics that a person inherits.
Ans- Following are two characteristics that a person inherits:
(a) Height
(b) Colour of hairs

Q.6 Why do Saroja and Suvasini behave differently inspite of being identical twins?
Ans- Saroja and Suvanini behave differently inspite of being identical twins because they are being brought up in different environments.


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