
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Revision Work - Important Questions - Class 5 - EVS

  Revision Work - EVS

I. Observe the picture and choose the correct options.

Q1  Use of which fuel is  maximum as per the given data?

  1. Oil

  2. Gas

  3. Coal 

  4. Nuclear

Q2   Use of which fuel is  minimum as per the given  data ?

  1. Coal

  2. Gas

  3. Geothermal energy 

  4. Oil

Q3 Which two fuels are used in equal percentage?

  1. Coal and gas

  2. Oil and gas

  3. Hydroelectric and nuclear energy 

  4. Gas and nuclear energy 

Q4 Usage of how many types of fuel is depicted in the graph?

  1. 6

  2. 7

  3. 5

  4. 2

Q5) What is the difference between percentage of oil and percentage of coal used as per the given  data ?

  1. 16%

  2. 15%

  3. 14%


II. Observe the pictures given below and give the answer of following questions.

i)   What is the name of the thing shown in this picture?


a)    Houseboat

b)    Ship

c)    Steamer












ii)  Choose the correct option?


a)    Flood

b)    Earthquake

c)    Drought












iii)   Observe the given picture and choose the correct option?


a)    Cricket Ground

b)    Hockey Ground

c)    Basketball Court [ ]


iv)   The two acts of breathing are:


a)  Inhale, exhale

b)  Blowing

c)  Sneezing [ ]


v)    Identify the tent house of the Changpas. It is as big as a room in a flat.


a)    Igloo

b)    Rebo

c)    Tambu [ ]



vi)    Observe the picture and tick the correct option.


a)    Mason

b)    Carpenter

c)    Painter [ ]


vii)    Who was the father of Indian Constitution?


a)  Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

b)  Mahatma Gandhi

c)  Dr. B R Ambedkar [ ]


III. Observe the picture given below carefully and choose the correct options.

Q1)   What do you think is being done in  picture1 and 3 ?

  1. Arrangement is being done to send people back to their homes.

  2. Injured people are provided medical help.

  3. Shelter is being provided to homeless people .

  4. None of the above.

  Q2)   What is being done in picture 2 ?

  1. People are carried to the site.

  2. People are rescued from the site.

  3. People are playing after a disaster 

  4. None of the above.

Q3)  What does the '+' on the vehicle indicates?

  1. It is going to a trip 

  2. It is a war vehicle 

  3. It  carries medical help 

  4. It is mathematical playing area 

  Q4) Observe  picture 4 and choose the correct option ?

  1. It shows temporary arrangement of  shelter for  people during a disaster

  2. It is a camping site and people are enjoying in tents 

  3. It is a mountaineering camp

  4. It is a tent made by cubs and bulbuls of a school 

Q5 ) Who all help during such time ?

  1. Neighbours help each other.

  2. People from bigger/nearby cities come for help.

  3. Doctors and nurses of the nearby hospitals

  4. All of the above 

Q.1 Who is known as ‘daughter of the jungle’  ?

             Q.2 Who is known as father of Indian constitution ?

             Q.3 Many families in Srinagar reside in boats, commonly seen on dal lake? What do we call such   boats ?

            Q.4 Name any two festivals related to  farming ?

            Q.5 Name the instrument used by doctors to listen to the sound of heart beat ?

Q.6   Write  names of any two dams and their corresponding rivers.     

Q.7     List any two benefits of playing sports.

Q.8     Suggest any two ways to save oil.

Q.9    Explain: -

                        Adaptation -                                                                                                       


Q.10 Write four reasons of deforestation .

Q.11         What problems do people face who are asked to move from their place?



Q12. Why  farmers used to  preserve  some good quality seeds in olden days?


Q.13 If you travel by road from Mumbai to Ladakh which States and Union Territories you come across.

Q.14. Why should we keep our surroundings clean?

Q.15. Why do houses in hilly areas have sloping roofs?

Q.16. Why do farmers prefer to use technology in farming these days?

Q.17.Why are earthworm called farmer's friend?


Q.18. Why is it difficult for people of Mizoram to carry the harvested crops to their homes ?

Q.19.  Guests at Gandhiji’s Ashram had to do all their work themselves . Why  ?

Q.20. Why one  should go under a table during an earthquake ?


Q.21.  Mini could cool her tea by blowing on it during summer season while she could warm her hands by blowing on them during winters . Explain why?


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