
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Revision Work - Class 5 - English

Revision Work - English

Part 1

Q.1 “A friend in need is a friend indeed” what does it mean?

Q.2 In the poem ‘Who Will Be Ningthou’ how did the king suggest to select the future king?

Q. 3  ‘Brave mother’s brave young daughter!    

        Doubt and fear she left behind her’.

Read the above lines and name the poem and the poet.

Q. 4 Where did Malu want to travel?

Q.5  How did the king want to select their future king in the story “Who will be Ningthou”

Q.6 Do you think the Sultan was really very generous in the lesson “The Talkative Barber”? Why do you think so?

Q.7 Why did the men rush back to the ship in the lesson “ Gulliver’s Travels”?

                                                                            Part 2

1.  Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly-

a)   next wednesday my sister mita is going to join the state bank of india

b)   Next wednesday my sister mita is going to join the State Bank of India

c)    Next wednesday my sister Mita is going to join the state bank of india.

d)   Next Wednesday, my sister Mita is going to join the State Bank of India.


2.  Choose the correct options for given blanks: 


The sailboat is fast.

The car is                                than the sailboat. The aeroplane is the      of all.

a)   faster, more fast

b)   most fast, fastest

c)    faster, fastest

d)   much fast, faster

3.  Choose the correct Contraction for words :

were not shall not

a)   weren’t, shouldn’t

b)   weren’t, shan’t

c)    couldn’t, can’t

d)   wasn’t, shan’t


4.                       as a night. As white as                   

a)   As black, snow

b)   As gentle, moon

c)    As black, toast

d)   As gentle, feather

5.    “It crossed steep mountain slopes and deep canyons”. 

Describing words in the above sentence are:

a)   steep

b)   deep

c)    Both (a) and (b)

d)   None of these

Q.Replace the underline pronoun with the suitable noun:

My friend gave me a piece of cake. I ate it.  


  1. Change the underlined word into plural and rewrite the sentence.

Our captain sent a dozen man with vessels for water.


  1. Fill in the blank with correct word.

My father packed my lunch ____________my mother combed my hair. (unless/while)

  1. Complete the following sentence using a group name.

Her _________ plans to go to India-Gate during the winter holidays.

  1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article 

A Bee was drinking water on ______ bank of ____ river. (a/an/the )

  1. Complete the following using the correct degree of describing word.

Rohit is _____________than Mohit but Shobhit is the ___________ boy of the class. (intelligent)

  1. Fill in the blank by using short form of the word given in the bracket.

I _________( will not) be at your party this Saturday. I’m sorry.

  1. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided:

He jumped on the river.                 

  1. Rearrange the jumbled words to make a meaningful sentence

 an amazing / was / Dr. Abdul / Kalam / of India / the President / person

                        Part 3

1.     Find the correctly spelt word- 

a)  Proccession

b)  Signaleman

c)   Suspension

d)  Tunnals

2.    Which word will form if we add “-ly” in the word dreary’?

a)  Drearily

b)  Drearly

c)   Dreaily

d)  Drealy

3.   Which of the following is not a rhyming word of the word ‘friend’?

a) Spend

b)  Trend

c)   End

d)  Can’t

4.    Find out the word with incorrect spelling.       

a)  Excitement

b)  Astonishment

c)   Advised

d)  Patience

5.    Which of the following words cannot be formed from the letters of the word ‘MOTHER’?

a)   TERM


c)   THEM


Complete the word using the given clues:

6. A very loud noise        b _ _ l _ _ _ n g

7. Two words are wrongly spelt. Correct the words and rewrite the sentence.

“Don’t you like it? said  all the creetures in surprice.

8.Which set of double letters should be used to fill in the blanks

                          P r o c e_ _ i o n

(a) tt   (b) ss                        (c) cc

9.Choose the correct spelling

Suhana likes to eat pizza, so she wants one more _________ (peace/piece)         

10.Make two new words using the letters of the given word


Hint:  1. Panaji is a capital of the Indian state - _ _ _

 2. Pick suddenly                                    -_ _ _ _

                            Part 4

1. Which of the following is not a synonym of the word ‘Beautiful’? (1 Mark)

a)   Delightful

b)   Pretty

c)    Ugly

d)   Handsome






Which of the following is plural of word ‘Tooth’? Tooths

Teeth Toothes None






Antonym of word ‘Lend’ is- Sorrow

Mountain Land Borrow







Choose the word which means ‘to make public’. Aired

Social Barely Plain



It is         honour to be a part of your team. 

a)   a



d) upon


6. Fill in the blank by adding a suitable prefix.

He was too __________ to wait in queue for the bus. (patient)

7.Give one word for the expression given in the form of emoji


8.Analyse the word relation:

As breakfast is to morning __________ is to night.

9. Make two new words starting with the last two letters

Passage         -            _________                         ________________

10. Write another word for rough and deep sounding   - 


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